What security schemes does Binder.so support

Learn different protection mechanisms for your links

Keeping your data safe is our top priority at Binder.so. Here’s a simple guide to using Binder.so’s security features:

Email Verification

  • Why: Ensure the email address is valid.

  • How: Users receive an email with a verification link. Access is granted only after they confirm their email.

  • Setup: Click on "Create Link" for the uploaded file in Binder.so, once that's done select the group you want to share your file with and then tick "E-Mail Verification" before clicking on share, its that simple.

Link Expiry

  • Why: Enhance security by setting a time limit on shared links.

  • How: Choose an expiration date for the link. Once that date passes, the link becomes inactive.

  • Setup: Click on "Create Link" for the uploaded file in Binder.so, once that's done select the group you want to share your file with and then tick "Link Expiry" and select the date as per your requirement and the file will not be accessible after the selected date, now you can share your file across, it's that simple.

Download Permission

  • Why: Control who can download your files.

  • How: Enable download permissions for specific viewers. You decide how much your content gets shared.

  • Setup: Click on "Create Link" for the uploaded file in Binder.so, once that's done select the group you want to share your file with and then tick "Download" before clicking on share and the people part of the shared group will be able to download the shared file via Binder.so, its that simple.

Password Protection

  • Why: Add an extra layer of security with a password.

  • How: Set a password for your document. Viewers must enter it to gain access.

  • Setup: Click on "Create Link" for the uploaded file in Binder.so, once that's done select the group you want to share your file with and then tick "Password" after that you can enter your desired password before clicking on share and now your file will be password protected, it's that simple.

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